Top 10k strings from 16-48 Magazine - Issue 19 (1985)(16-48 Tape Magazine)(Side B).tzx
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8 (n,m)=w$(g) 6 STOP THE TAPE 5 ~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5 z$="00000202 5 ;"bigpcode" 4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4 RUN THE TAPE 4 "WORDSEARCH" 3 ;"16/48D&G19": 3 "bigpcode" 2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2 SPY HUNTER 2 PRESS A KEY 2 PPGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGPP 2 PPGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGPP 2 PGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGP 2 LET THE TAPE RUN 2 ;"WORDSEARCH" 2 ;"CROSSWORD": 2 ;" ": 2 ;" " 2 ;" ": 2 88888888888888888888888888888888 2 *GRAPHICS* 2 ((prog+168 2 "Saved and verified O.K.": 2 "BROAD ST" 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~g 1 ~~~~~|~~~~~~ 1 ~~~~~>~~~~~~ 1 z$="ll130201AND ": 1 z$="ll020302GREEN MEN": 1 z$="ll000402DUNGEONS": 1 z$="16100202CHEAT.": 1 z$="15050503BIG": 1 z$="13010308PRODUCTION": 1 z$="11000810FAST": 1 z$="10070202A 16/48": 1 z$="10030203STOP THE TAPE": 1 z$="10020203RUN THE TAPE": 1 z$="10020203 1 z$="09020203STOP THE TAPE": 1 z$="05060202 1 z$="00140201OF": 1 z$="00000810 1 z$="00000404 1 z$="00000102 1 won't work with any 1 without running it. Then it 1 with a problem in an adventure 1 will start printing the 1 where the solution is obvious 1 vocabulary, though usually in a 1 uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu 1 understand you or name an objectthat exsists in the game and go on to inform you that the objectisn't present.": 1 to tape at the end of D&G": 1 to resort to a very clumsy and 1 tips on how to": 1 there isn't a simple answer to 1 the program will either not 1 the adventure's code. 1 specific adventure this month. 1 slightly condensed form. This 1 simply load the main code into 1 sets up a loop which examines 1 rev5 1 rev4 " 1 rev3 1 rev2 / 1 rev1 Q 1 programmer expects the solution to be phrased is proving 1 program that in the majority of 1 prints all the alpha-numerics. 1 ppppppFFFFFF 1 p$="1122334455667722744": 1 oooooooooooooooooo 1 oooooooooo 1 n,o;" ": 1 mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 1 mmmmmmmmmm 1 machine code adventure. I'm 1 look at the impressive range of games from the relative new comer to computer adventures 1 long winded method. If you type 1 listing of a very simple 1 l=l+(k$="6" 1 it does work with 1 in the command GET followed by 1 in memory for the code of the 1 impossible?": 1 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 1 iiiiiiiiii 1 height=a-1 1 hacking into them and we have 1 gobbledegook but suddenly it 1 games such as Sherlock and a 1 few of the recent Level 9 games 1 every byte of the adventure and 1 d$="19010203THEN READ ON..." 1 compression routines, however, 1 compression routines used in 1 comp19 1 cheat 1 cases will print any text in a 1 c=c+(k$="8" 1 c$="15010103KEEP HAVING TO PULL THE PLUG???": 1 but to figure out how the 1 bother to copy it as you will 1 bigpcode 1 be given the option to save it 1 b$="11010103CAN'T FIND THE TREASURE??": 1 agazine Ltd. *6\$: 1 agazine Ltd*S\ 1 afraid it won't help with 1 adventure. to get into these youwill need the 1 adventure and then loads it 1 able to illustrate the reviews. 1 a$="07010103STUCK IN A DUNGEON?": 1 a group of two or three letters 1 ]MAGNETIC MAGAZINES 83:H\ 1 [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ 1 [[[[[[[[[[ 1 ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ 1 Z$="LLCC0202"+A$(N,1 1 Z$="10030203RUN THE TAPE": 1 Z$=" YCC0202"+A$(N,Y/2 1 You have to collect theseparts and assemble them in the brain. Hampering your search, apart from the host body itself, is a variety of hostile nasties. Infections causefurther problems and willkill your host if not dealt with immediately. 1 You decide which time zone and travel there to deposit your solution. The arcade action is fastand furious, while the anagrams and puzzles are demanding. The program was written by a maths undergraduate by the nameof David Webb. 1 You can control the speedand height of your pitching and batting witheither joystick or keyboard. When fielding the player nearest to where the ball will land comes automatically underyour control (similar to Ocean's Matchday). 1 XXXXXXXXXWWWWWWhXhX 1 XXXXXXX XXXX X X X XX XXXXXXXXX X X X X XXXXXXX XXXX X X X X XXXX XXXXXXX X X X X XXXXXXXXX XX X X X XXXX XXXXXXXC 1 XXXXWWWWWWhhXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXWWWWWW 1 XXXXWWWWWWXhX 1 XXXWWWWWWhXhX 1 XXXWWWWWWhX 1 XXWWWWWWhhX 1 When an alien ship has been destroyed it releases a letter of the alphabet. When all the letters from that time zone are collected they form an anagram which is the answer to an historical question in another time zone. 1 WWWWWWhhXX 1 WWWWWWHPHPPHPPPDDDDDGPPPPPPPPPPPWWWWWWGDDDDDDDDDDDDDGGGGGGGGGGGGWWWWWWDDDDDDDDDDDDDDGGGGGGGGGGGGWWWWWWDDDDDDDDDDDDDGGGGGGGGGGGGGWWWWWWDDDDDDDDDDDDGGGGGGGGGGGGGGWWWWWWHHPHPPPPPGGGGGGGGPPPPPPPPPWWWW 1 WORLD SERIES BASEBALL Memory: 48K Authors: Ian Morrison and David Anderson. Publishers: IMAGINE c/o Ocean Software 6 Central Street Manchester M2 5NS PRICE: `6.95 1 WORLD SERIES BASEBALL 1 WORDSEARCHP 1 VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV 1 UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 1 UUUUUUUUUU 1 To use it simply load, run and then load the MAIN block of 1 To start with I'll be taking a 1 To achieve this you have to travel to Komplex and search its labyrinthine structure for 7 special modules. When these are inserted into the centralcontrol computer Komplex will assume a stable orbit around our own cosy little system. 1 This will mean that I'll be 1 This program simply makes room 1 This is a good baseball simulation with some excellent features. It can be played by one or two players. The team colours and the playing keys can be tailored to suit individual tastes. Now where have I heard of Imagine before? 1 These wardrobes are in fact the entrances to ducts which connect the 119 decks. Travelling along the ducts involves another game where you have to control a shield to ward off attacks. If you get bored an editor lets you change the map. 1 There is a variety of enemy vehicles, each withits very own armoury. To combat them you have access to an awesome array of weapons. These are obtained by docking with supply vans which drive onto the screen from time to time. 1 The screens which make upthis anatomical maze are varied and have a good organic feel to them. However, the sprite you control isn't so well defined. In all a good zap/maze game with an unusual scenario. Humerus(?) and addictive. 1 The press release says 'The fastest, smoothest, true perspective, vector graphics ever seen on theSpectrum'. I can't help but totally to agree. Technically the program is brilliant. I'm not so sure about the arcade/ anagram mixture. 1 The players have a staticaerial viewpoint of the stadium which includes both teams, the crowd anda vast television screen which itself displays close-ups of the pitchingand batting as well as advertisements and the umpire's decisions. 1 The game is simple and very addictive. You driveyour amphibious spy car as fast as possible alongtortuous roads and rivers, forcing the enemy vehicles to crash as you go. Innocent vehicles are supposed to be avoided. 1 The controls are simple and straightforward: faster, slower, left right and fire. No real state of the art programming here, but it works. The strength of this program is the game itself. Excellent. Bring back the simple zap game. 1 THIS HORSE GOES ON AND ON.K 1 STARION 16/48 RATING 1 SEE YOU NEXT MONTH 1 SAVING & LOADING 1 S$="XXXXXXX XXXX X X X XX XXXXXXXXX X X X X XXXXXXX XXXX X X X X XXXX XXXXXXX X X X X XXXXXXXXX XX X X X XXXX XXXXXXX" 1 REVIEWS 1 RANDOMIZE USR 32000 1 RANDOMIZE 1 QUIT ROUTINE 1 Q=Quit 1 PRINT WORD 1 PRINT CLUE 1 PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP 1 PPPGGGGGGGGGGPPP 1 PPGGGGGGGGPP 1 PPGGGGGGGGGGGGGGPP 1 Next month D&G goes 48K! 1 MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM 1 MMMMMMMMMM 1 MAYFAIR 1 1 6 00FOE 1 9 2 00PASSPORT 3 4 7 00EMETIC 5 1 5 00ESPY 5 8 3 00LOGO 7 1 3 00MURALS 7 6 5 00MOHICANS 9 1 7 00NAG 111 2 00NEPTUNE 115 6 00MITRE 1 1 4 10ARABIC 1 5 5 10RUST 1 7 3 10FOOLSCAP 1 9 7 10ENTRY 1 114 10HEDGEHOG 4 3 7 10TURNIP 6 7 5 10LEMON 7 1 4 10SCORE 7 114 10ICON 8 5 3 10W 1 MAGNETIC MAGAZINES : 1 LOAD ""bigpcode"" 1 LET z$=""15040503BIG"" 1 KOMPLEX 16/48 RATING 1 Instead here are some general 1 In the game you play the role of a miniaturised surgeon who has just completed an operation inside the brain of a topscientist. However, your mini-submarine, the only means of escape, is now in 8 sections, scattered around the body. 1 INPUT WORD 1 HOW DO I USE IT? 1 GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGCCCCCCGG 1 GGGGFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFBBBBBBBBGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGhhXXXXX 1 Following the wave of American football games comes a simulation of theother great American national sport, Baseball.This simulation comes with all the frills of the real game, including a troup of cheerleaders. 1 FANTASTIC VOYAGE 16/48 RATING 1 FANTASTIC VOYAGE 1 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 1 EEEEEEEEEE 1 E0 p 1 DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD"""""""""""""""" 1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX 1 Chiswick, London W4 4PH. 1 CROSSWORD 1 CLEAR AA-1 1 CHECK FOR FINISH 1 CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC 1 Basically, Komplex is a vast 3D maze game with plenty of nasties to zap.What does make this game stand out is the fact that it has an almost eerie feel about it. The aliens drift dream like across a landscape of what look like wardrobes. 1 BROAD STREET COMPETITION, 1 BROAD STREET COMPETITION 1 BROAD STREET 1 BIGPRINT 1 BBBBB|BBBBBBFXE 1 BBBBB@BBBBBBG 1 BBBBB@BBBBBB$ 1 ARRAY AND NT E E R UT A LOGICALRED L U LI COMMA SBIN W E BITU E IN E RT X T E IEXTEND OPEN O O E GOR RETURN 1 <<<<PRESS A KEY.>" 1 ;"WORDSEARCH": 1 ;"WORD TO"; 1 ;"There will be lots of 1 ;"THE GRID": 1 ;"THAT WORD"; 1 ;"START TAPE": 1 ;"S=Search. "; 1 ;"PRESS A KEY": 1 ;"PRESS A KEY ( 1 ;"P=Printer " 1 ;"On the next screen is a 1 ;"Note that two digits must be used for the line, column, and magnification factors." 1 ;"No help spotlight on any 1 ;"N=New grid"; 1 ;"LOAD GRID IN NOW? (Y/N)"'''"(Press N if you have not already saved a grid to tape.)" 1 ;"LETTERS" 1 ;"L=Loadgrid"; 1 ;"JULY 1985" 1 ;"IS NOT IN "; 1 ;"I did say it was clumsy. 1 ;"How often have you been faced 1 ;"G=Savegrid"; 1 ;"CROSSWORD" 1 ;"C=Clear "; 1 ;"Because of the text 1 ;"BIGPRINT": 1 ;"BIGPRINT" 1 ;"ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO QUIT? PRESS Y FOR YES OR N FOR NO." 1 ;" SEARCHING" 1 ;" CLEARING ": 1 ;" grid. "; 1 ;" ": 1 ;" ": 1 ;" ": 1 :::""""""""""""""""::: 1 :::""" """::: 1 ::""" """::"" "" ::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::GQ 1 388888888''' 1 32000,416)"''"PRESS M to save to microdrive 1.(SAVE*""m"";1;""bigpcode"" 1 32000,416" 1 30 FOR f=VAL ~24201~ TO VAL ~65367~ 1 2688888888))) 1 23635+256* 1 20 LOAD ~~ 1 16/48LOAD2 1 16/48D&G19` 1 16/48 Magazine, 1 10 CLEAR VAL~24200~ 1 10 Barley Mow Passage, 1 0ppppppppppppp 1 0GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 1 0888888888888pEEEGGGGGG888 1 0000000033 1 0000000000000000000000000000000 1 00000000000 1 0 p 1 ...<< Is a program to find words<within a grid of letters.<You input the letters to the<grid and I will find them for<you.(the space key will delete)< THE WORDSEARCH is ideal for<CHEATING at competions and it<might even make you some cash!<<<HAPPY SEARCHING........ 1 , you may putthe code anywhere you wish as itis fully relocatable." 1 +hhjjhhhhh0000000000000phhhiiih(iGGzzoGhh(0(((/////////phhhyyoGGGGGzzoooh(0(((/////////phhoyyGGGGGGGGGGEE 1 ++WRITTEN BY ANDREW BATESON++ 1 *TO SHOW WORD IN GRID* 1 *TO SET UP SCREEN* 1 *TO SCOLL SCREEN UP* 1 *TO FOUND 1st LETTER IN WORD* 1 *TO FIND REST OF THE WORD IN THE GRID* 1 *SHOW WORD ON RIGHT* 1 *SHOW WORD ON LEFT* 1 *SHOW WORD IF UP* 1 *SHOW WORD IF RIGHT UP* 1 *SHOW WORD IF RIGHT DOWN* 1 *SHOW WORD IF LEFT UP* 1 *SHOW WORD IF LEFT DOWN* 1 *SHOW WORD IF DOWN* 1 *SEARCH UP FROM 1st LETTER* 1 *SEARCH RIGHT UP FROM 1st LETTER* 1 *SEARCH RIGHT FROM 1st LETTER* 1 *SEARCH RIGHT DOWN FROM 1st LETTER* 1 *SEARCH LEFT UP FROM 1st LETTER* 1 *SEARCH LEFT FROM 1st LETTER* 1 *SEARCH LEFT DOWN FROM 1st LETTER* 1 *SEARCH DOWN FROM 1st LETTER* 1 *PRINT LETTERS INTO GRID** 1 *PREPARE SCREEN 1 *INSTUCTIONS* 1 *INPUT WORD TO BE FOUND* 1 *DRAW BORDER ROUND GRID* 1 *CLEAR SCREEN FROM INSTRUCTIONS* 1 *CLEAR MESSAGES* 1 *CHECK HEIGHT AND WIDTH OF GRID WHEN LOADED* 1 *************** 1 );"hours "; 1 ));"Minutes."'"PRESS ANY KEY ( 1 (y,x)=w$(1 1 (prog+1217 1 '''"PRESS S to save the code to tape(SAVE ""bigpcode"" 1 '''"I you look at the end of chapter16 in the manual (p115 in ed.1, p87 in ed.3 and p33 in the PLUS guide!) you will see a table which indicates the effect of pressing numeral keys in Extended mode when between the quotes of a string." 1 ''"To use at any address AA.."'" 1 ''"Those of you familiar with the old routine will find it very easy. Here is the low down." 1 ''"This new routine consists of 416bytes of machine code."''"This may seem more than the 107 bytes of the old version, but itsaves memory by needing no BASICsubroutine." 1 ''"The gear changes are performed by changing just two bytes of the code." 1 ''"PRESS R to read again."''"PRESS Q to quit and move on." 1 ''"In order to give the maximum flexiblity the routine can be adjusted to plot the whole area of the character or to ignore the paper areas." 1 '"You can choose the mode which you prefer and then save the code in that mode, or you can save the code in either mode and use a few short subroutines to switch back and forth." 1 '"To print ""BIG"" at line 15,"'"column 4, magnified by 5"'"horizontally and by 3 times vertically..." 1 '"The code will print UDG's as well as alphanumerics and it responds to INVERSE, BRIGHT, FLASH and colour control codes for ink and paper." 1 '"The code acts on the contents ofz$. Currently the code starts at 32000 and is called with 1 '"In the fast mode the routine will fail to print anything in inverse video and will not set all the character area to the required colour. It will howeverrespond satisfactorily to ink control codes." 1 '"In slow mode everything works, but very high magnifications canbe a bit slow.": 1 '"If the code starts from address AA ( currently 32000 ) then the procedure is as follows." 1 '"At any time after the first 8 digits in z$ you may include extended mode control charactersto change the colour of the ink or the paper. You can use INV. VIDEO, TRUE VIDEO and you can use flash or bright with shiftedor unshifted 8 and 9." 1 "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 "u","24","8","8","8","220","40","41","222" 1 "t","0","0","0","99","148","230","137","119" 1 "s","0","204","132","132","252","132","132","204" 1 "r","0","0","0","49","207","69","73","49" 1 "p","0","120","132","132","128","132","132","120" 1 "o","24","36","68","136","136","136","73","54" 1 "l","0","124","132","132","180","132","132","204" 1 "k","0","248","132","128","124","4","132","120" 1 "j","0","240","136","132","132","132","136","240" 1 "i","96","144","136","136","144","137","133","126" 1 "h","0","240","136","136","136","240","136","204" 1 "g","0","120","132","132","132","132","132","120" 1 "f","0","198","130","130","68","84","84","124" 1 "e","0","0","0","96","144","16","16","17" 1 "d","0","252","132","136","224","136","132","252" 1 "a","0","254","146","146","16","16","16","56" 1 "WORD = ";w$: 1 "TIP AND RUN MAKE A VEGETABLE.","FRUIT FROM LE MONDE","MUDDLE CORES TO GET THE POINTS","IMAGE SELECTED BY MOUSE FROM RAINWEAR." 1 "REWIND and PLAY to VERIFY": 1 "MIGHT DO IN THE WEST END.","THE INITIAL ENEMY IS A FOREIGN OFFICE ENVOY.","MIXED UP POP STARS NEEDED FOR FOREIGN TOUR.","A MEDECINE TO CAUSE VOMITING.","TO CATCH SIGHT OF SOMETHING IN HOVES PYLON.","TURTLE LANGUAGE.","PAINTINGS THAT RARELY GET MOVED." 1 "J FENIMORE COOPER'S WERE THE LAST OF THESE.","THIS HORSE GOES ON AND ON.","ROMAN GOD OF THE SEA.","IS THERE A HAT IN THE JOINT?","THE FIRST LANGUAGE WITH ZERO.","""WHERE DAMP AND ---- DOTH CORRUPT""-ST MATTHEW.","IMPERIAL PAPER SIZE","WHAT YOU NEED TO MAKE NOW.","SPINY NOCTURNAL MAMMAL." 1 "GRID WIDTH(max20) = ";wide 1 "GRID HEIGHT(max20) = ";height 1 "ENTER the word "; 1 "CROSSWORD" 1 "BIGPRINT" 1 "9";"PRESS ANY KEY" 1 "23301",(k$="q")+2 1 "23300",16 1 "16/48LOAD2" 1 "16/48D&G19" 1 "15",i;"Press L to load the cheat routine (Save it before you run it as it puts RAMTOP very low.)"''" Press W to load WORDSEARCH" 1 "10",i;"Press R to read again."; 1 "'''"Follow the prompts and when the picture is displayed press"''" 1 "''"The first 10 correct entrants drawn on 15th AUGUST will win 1 "''"Cursor"'"keys"'"move *"''" 1 "'"When you see the picture use keys 1 "'"POKE AA+344,24:POKE AA+345,22"''" 1 "'"POKE AA+344,238:POKE AA+345,4" 1 """"""""""""""""DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 1 " 1 you will return to this page and the picture will remain as you left it."''"Press 1 to"'"answer a"'"clue."''" 1 to turn back a page,"''" Any other key to page through the review."'''"The display will stay on the screen for as long as you hold a key down."''"Don't forget 1 to save the picture to tape and send to;-" 1 to quit."''" 1 to quit and move on,"''" 1 to produce the unscrambled screen."''"If you press 1 editor to 1 due to the text 1 changes"'"mode"'"(across or"'"down)"''"Press"'" 1 as if it were a data file.": 1 SO WHAT'S NEW? 1 QUITS"''" 1 DON'T RUN OR CLEAR:GOTO 1.": 1 CHANGING MODES 1 1984 A.P.S. 1 This is the game that wasused to sort the men fromthe boys(yes all male) inthe Observer/Sinclair/ Quicksilva computer championships held in London recently. The men lost and the boys won. Well done Duncan Slarke. 1 TWO GEARS! 1 Memory: 48K PUBLISHER: LEGEND PO Box 435 London E47 LX PRICE: `9.95 1 Memory: 48K Author: David Webb Publisher:MELBOURNE HOUSECastle Yard House Richmond Surrey Price: `7.95 1 Memory: 48K Author: John Edmonds Publisher: QUICKSILVA Liberty House 222 Regent Street London W1R 7DB PRICE: `6.95 1 MEMORY: 48K Authors: SEGA Publisher: U.S.GOLD Unit 10 Parkway Ind. Centre Heneage Street Birmingham B7 4LY PRICE: `7.95 1 ADVENTURE HELP FROM Yaz. " 1 WHAT ABOUT COLOUR? 1 This is the official version of the Bally Midway arcade game - Spy Hunter. To see how close a copy it is I went in search of the original. To my surprise I found that the Spectrum versionplayed the better game. 1 Elite on the Spectrum? Not quite. Starion is a very strange mixture of frantic arcade action andhistorical anagram puzzles! Your task is to visit 243 time zones and battle with the alien fleets found in each. 1 It certainly is! Komplex is a giant alien spacecraft that for once holds no menace to the solar system and is in fact passing peacefully through on its own mission. It falls to you to steal it. 1 16/48 RATING